Sell by Subroto Bagchi

First and foremost thing that you need to understand is, Selling is no longer professional in and of itself. If you need other people to buy your idea (product or vision)you need to know how to sell. Hustling or be being intrusive doesn't work because at the end of the day people are people. You need to be empathetic with a clear end goal to get buy ins.

you need to figure out who the buyer is, what we must say to them, as well as how and when.

process can be look at me, listen to me, buy my words even before you buy my wares, lets agree on the terms of our transaction, now tell every one about me and finally come back for more

sell the art, the science, the witchcraft by subroto bagchi


Prospecting means seeking new territories with a clear end goal. Taking your product to someone you have sought out, whom you didn't know before and who doesn't necessarily have a stated need for what you are selling.

  1. Segment the people
  2. Cast wide net among them
  3. Figure out the customers who is most likely to make a purchase.

Step 1 needs to be wide open so that you have a decent number at Step 3. For Step 2, you can use email to send information, schedule a phone call or face to face meeting at a convenient time.

The idea that prospecting is successful only when a particular connections and negotiation results in a closed deal is a narrow way of viewing the sales process. Many connections that you make when you are out prospecting may yield rewards of different kind.

Importance of Google quotient

Before you search the prospects, the clients searches you. They use LinkedIn to know you professionally, Google you to know your products and services that you offer and Social media to know the pulse and review of them. If you aren't on any of those places, or there, but without strong presence, then you're a commodity.

If the client considers you to be a commodity even before you approach them, there is a lesser chance for you to have the deal. End of the day People don't like to buy from someone who is not special. Even if you manage the deal, you can't command a premium because value is in the eyes of the beholder. So, Always dress up; do not dress down.

Product and pricing

You really need to believe in your product. Since the value of a product is determined by the perception of the customer. Belief in the value your product delivers, is necessary to persuade the customer. If you don’t believe in your product, do not sell.

Never go play with single story and single pitch. Have variations.

Also, when you are pricing a product, quote perceived value instead of the cost to manufacture the product.

Connecting with your customer

You should be selling a solution to customer's pain instead of pushing your product. Be bold and ask questions. Don't presume things. Asking questions brings clarity. It is a strong indicator that you understood the pain right. Spend time in knowing Who is who. Play well with them and other partners of your clients to understand the pain before jumping into solution creation. Understanding the why-what and taking responsibility shows commitment.

Good news can arrive in mail but a bad news in person. No one is perfect. but you will be judged for your response to the situation.

Present a human face at each step of the interaction. At each step, it is about the individuals. Customers need to see the names on the back of the jersey.

Once the project is over, thank the partners and others who worked along with you. People move on and change jobs and you are bound to get called again.

Make it visual

People are visually driven. Prefer mock ups, prototypes over documents where ever possible. Show them the POC that you've built. Do things that will help them to see and experience what your proposed solution would look like.


People who sell must be supremely comfortable with the act of asking. The point is to never fear rejection and not to give up on a chance by giving into fear.

Ask for directions, ask for leads, ask for referrals, ask for the request for proposal, ask for order above all ask for money. Ask you have nothing to lose.


Spell check your slides, provide proper attributions to logos and charts that are taken from the Internet. If you don't do it, it is unprofessional.

Arrive early instead of on time, pre test the video that needs to be played.

Allow people to settle down, and calculate how much time is left for the presentation. Pay attention to those who joined on the call late. After understanding the mood and time limit, present the personalized deck with what you’ve learned about the Client and their needs before proposing the solution.

When presenting maintain an eye contact. Pause and look often if everyone is following. Keep ample time for QA, seek feedback. Listen before answering. Reply in short. If you don’t know, follow up when you know the answer.

To be champion seller, read up a lot on history, science, culture. Play for the long haul to outsmart the competition. Be informed and interesting all the times. At times, failing is necessary to improve and innovate.

Book recommendations: Art of war

To be successful, you need to be genuinely interested in people and their emotions. So, be curious and learn to tell a story.

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