Mac cheat sheet for Debian users

You can check my mac-guide for customizing Mac to your needs.

My laptop had a hardware issue due to which I'd to use Mac for a week. While using it, these were the things I familiarized myself with to do the usual things.


is the Command
is the Control key
is the Option (alt) key
is the Shift key


Key Combination Action
Home ⌘ + <-
End ⌘ + ->



Developer notes

Though Mac OS is UNIX, you might find it to support only limited Linux command. .dmg is the extension for application installers . You can get those installers from respective software site or install it via Appstore . App store is like Debian's Synaptic Package Manager except you need to sign in using your apple Id to use.

Brew and Mac ports are the third party package managers that provide most of the software required for developing application. Except meld , I didn't have any issue in installing software.

In addition to being a package manager, brew also manages the services it installs. brew services start mysql is the equivalent of sudo service mysql restart

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