I am open sourcing pin-tweet, a utility program written in nodejs that moves your liked tweet to Pinboard.
I am a power use of Twitter and relay on it for to getting to know things. When I see something interesting to read on twitter, I’ve couple of options to come back to it later.
Option 1 is straight forward. Read when you get time. Remove the bookmark, when you’re done. But I prefer liking a tweet over bookmarking because, it just requires a single tap. Option 2 is quick and easy. But the downside is that, reading and deleting the link on Pinboard won’t unlike the tweet on Twitter. After using both the options for a long time, I took time to write my own utility that moves my liked tweets from twitter to pinboard for reading. Also, the things that I need to read is in one place instead of being scared across apps.
I invite you all to check pin-tweet
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