Week 33: Use mark for highlighting, trying out doom emacs and reading books

If you're in the tech industry, the last few weeks have been hard. I couldn't focus much on creating new things. I rather chose to clear some backlogs from pinboard and read books.


Regarding books, I resumed reading Designing Data-Intensive Applications, and Rich Dad Poor Dad is 73% complete.

Use mark for highlighting

If you're using <strong> + some styling for highlighting the text, you can use <mark>, which is the semantic equivalent of it.

emacs update

I've been tinkering with my emacs configs for a while now. But now, for a change, I started using doom emacs.

doom emacs


Starting from Feb 9, Twitter will charge for the API access. Not sure whether it would be applicable for developer self-token as well. But it certainly impacts pin-tweet.

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