Week 37: Reading on Silicon Valley Bank and how to optimize your site for the SEO

Reading on Silicon Valley Bank

I was reading about the bank run that happened at the Silicon Valley Bank. They went bust not because of the lending practices but because they needed their invested assets at a loss to meet short-term deposit withdrawals. Though in India, deposits are insured up to 5 Lakhs per person per bank, the withdrawal can be restricted, as in the case of YesBank. The only way to mitigate this risk is to diversify your funds across banks.

Pointers to improve SEO

If you want to rank well on search, you need to optimize three things

Assets: Images, CSS, and js are called static assets because they don't change often. So, it is recommended to minify and cache assets. We can use tinypng to compress image size to keep them light.

Load time: The faster the page loads, the better the user engagement with the page. So, run the page with the following sites and work on the suggestions.

Page structure: Optimize the page for a better user reading experience.

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