After understanding the What and Why of NPS, I wanted to compare it with Index funds in terms of Investment style, Equity exposure, and Benefits.
Parameters | NPS | Index funds |
Portability | You can switch your pension fund manager without exiting the funds. | You've to exit-reinvest your funds to change your fund manager. |
Withdrawals |
You can withdraw as and when required. |
Diversification in equity | Top 200 stocks [2] |
Investment style | Though regulated, stock picking within the range of top 200 market cap stock is technically active. | Passively mirroring the index |
Tax benefits | ₹ 1,50,000(80 CCE) + ₹ 50,000 80 CCD(1B) = ₹ 2,00,000. | NA |
Maximum equity allocation |
Historical returns (Mini. 5yrs) |
Expense ratio |
0.09% [5]
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