First post of this year. A review of last year after 13 days into the new year.
Late, but done.
This has been the only strategy I followed in almost all the things I did last year. Following were the list of major things I did last year.
1. Resurrected my blogger only to move onto WordPress later
I took this domain and self hosted it with WordPress. In process of setting up this blog, I learned the "How" & "Why" part of categorizing SEO friendly post.
2. Though I never answered on stack overflow, one accepted answer changed it.
StackOverflow is one of the best things that ever happened to developers after IDE
My SO reputation grew from 1 to 309 getting me 2 silver and 13 bronze badges.
3. Created PayPal account
In 2013, it was just Wikipedia. This year created PayPal account just to donate for Firefox and ADP in addition to the usual Wikipedia.
4. Reading
You should try Goodreads for organizing all your books neatly into read, reading, planning to read categories. I read 7 books this year. When it comes to articles, pocket says I read 895, 359 words equivalent to 19 books.
So that was how 2014 was for me. Lets see how 2015 will be.
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