Week 34: Completed rich dad and poor dad, update on emacs, and Twitter

Books & links

I completed Rich Dad Poor Dad last week, and this will be the first completed book for 2023. Currently, I'm summarising my notes from the book. Next, there are a bunch of books in which I've completed somewhere around 6 to 18%. I'm planning to pick and finish one of them.

Update on emacs

Since switching to doom emacs two weeks ago, things have been going well after getting the initial learning curve. It is emacs with vim mode for people unfamiliar with doom emacs. You get all the key binding for vim on emacs for editing + all emacs modes.

Update on Twitter

After cross posting both on my Twitter and Mastodon accounts, it is clear that folks I follow on Twitter have yet to all migrate to Mastodon. But at the same time, I've discovered a few interesting people mastodon. So, I'll continue to use both for some time until I have a clear preference.

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