I was busy in attending friends' marriages for the last two weeks. And since I was on the move most of the time, I was on the consumption side of things, reading and clearing bookmarks. Naturally, I had the following thoughts
I believe everything you need to read should be in a single place. I created pin-tweet to help with that. It posts links to Pinboard from Twitter, from mastodon, and from mobile, but one thing still left out is email. I'm considering exploring options to post from email as well.
Earlier, this blog had four categories for the subscription. I'm consolidating them into a single list to keep things simple. Also, I'll be offloading the email list to a third-party app for delivering emails.
மருந்தென வேண்டாவாம் யாக்கைக்கு அருந்தியது
அற்றது போற்றி உணின் - குறள் 942
His body needs no drugs who only eats
After digesting what he ate before
Taking inspiration from Thirukkural #942, I
chose to read and clear about 193
bookmarks instead of starting anything new. Now, the total unreads
are at 10327
"our domestic helpers are not just cooking our food, dusting our shelves, and mopping our floors. They are literally saving our marriages from certain doom." via @mahimavashishthttps://t.co/JquDlKFpPs
— Sridhar Raj Sampath Kumar (@sridharrajs) June 6, 2023
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